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In going 3D, Rebecca Minkoff’s customers became nearly 30% more likely to buy

Woman in a floral flowing dress carrying a black Rebecca Minkoff purse on the shoulder

There are retailers who embrace the future, and then there is Rebecca Minkoff, the couture high-fashion brand that has not merely leaned into technology but stamped itself as without peer in the space. Smart mirrors, self-checkout, RFID chips in handbags—for more than a decade, Rebecca Minkoff has been driving early adoption of some of the most cutting-edge tech advancements in all of retail.

Its website is no different. The company has adopted the use of 3D modeling and AR (augmented reality) on its product pages, connecting shoppers to its catalog in newer and more effective ways than ever before. In this Shopify Plus case study, we show how Rebecca Minkoff has enjoyed:  

  • Shoppers 44% more likely to add an item to their cart after interacting with it in 3D
  • Customers 27% more likely to place an order after interacting with a product in 3D
  • Visitors 65% more likely to place an order after interacting with a product in AR


In ecommerce, conversions are king, and especially so for a brand like Rebecca Minkoff, which does not so easily rest on its laurels when it comes to sourcing new ways to sell product.

The company’s leadership is shepherded by Uri Minkoff, the co-founder and CEO with a long resume in tech startups. His team at Rebecca Minkoff sought to find, once again, a better method to bridge a common gap.

How to truly bring products to life on a website?

The company identified an opportunity and a hypothesis. Its customer service team was always fielding questions about the look and feel of its products. “When people have the intent to shop without physically being able to touch and see a product,” says Sarah Sheldon, Rebecca Minkoff’s senior director of global ecommerce and digital, “the more options you can give them to create that confidence is helpful.”

Rebecca Minkoff acknowledged that most often, when tools like 3D and AR are deployed on product pages in the broader fashion world, it is done so with clothing. “We are primarily a handbag company,” Sheldon says. Would customers respond with more engagement and more orders when handbags were given the same visual treatment, too?

3D media makes for a much more interactive shopping experience. Customers can examine our products from every angle, including the option to view products in augmented reality, which helps them get a better sense of quality, size, and other details that matter.

Rebecca Minkoff

Uri Minkoff — Co-founder and CEO


Rebecca Minkoff incorporated 3D models and AR fuctionality to its product pages. 

They were developed through technology available to all Shopify Plus merchants, allowing for augmented reality to bring motion to products through 3D modeling.

Rebecca Minkoff zeroed in on more than 50 pieces from its collection, transforming how they were displayed on its site—both on desktop and mobile.

A stylish young woman in a black jacket and black skirt carrying a camel, leather, coss-body, Rebecca Minkoff purse.

Its Darren shoulder bag was one example that came to life with 3D modeling. A simple click-and-drag providing a full picture of every piece of the bag—texture, structure, and shape—in ways website listings don’t typically offer. 

When engaged with on mobile, the experience became that much grander. An AR view of the bag allowed shoppers to virtually place it in front of them. Suddenly, interacting with a product from afar was not simply an exercise in scrolling through website photos. Rebecca Minkoff created a much more intimate encounter.

At a time when the savvy fashion shopper wants to be able to connect with a brand's persona, understand the texture and structure of every bag, and envision how they'd feel wearing each piece in a collection, we're excited to host video and 3D within our Shopify ecommerce site to bring shoppers that much closer to Rebecca Minkoff designs.

Rebecca Minkoff

Uri Minkoff — Co-founder and CEO


Rebecca Minkoff’s products had taken on another reality. So, too, had the company’s bottom line. The brand found that its 3D models and AR renderings weren’t just giving customers a new vision. They were encouraging a deeper connection to the products, which in turn was resulting in a deeper commitment by shoppers to complete their purchases.

The data painted a clear picture of victory, a sign of what may come across a wider berth of Rebecca Minkoff’s catalog. “Adding as much feature functionality for the customer to engage with a product has proven to show a lift,” Sheldon says.

A woman in a red flowing dress wearing a light brown leather Rebecca Minkoff purse with tassels.

According to the company, shoppers who interacted with a 3D model were 44% more likely to add it to their cart than those who hadn’t. Of those visitors who interacted with a 3D model, they were 27% more likely to place an order than those who hadn’t. When customers viewed a product in AR, Rebecca Minkoff says, they became 65% more likely to make a purchase.

We're always looking for exciting ways to connect and inspire shoppers with our new designs. Now with video on our Shopify Plus ecommerce store, Rebecca Minkoff shoppers will see our collections brought to life.

Rebecca Minkoff

Uri Minkoff — Co-founder and CEO

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